Tuesday, 12 June 2012

12 week scan!!

Hey Everyone!!!!

I'm in such a good mood because today i finally got to see my baby for the first time, it was soo beautiful and brought tears to my eyes!

I wasnt able to film in the scan room and she wouldnt let me :(
I apologise.

The sonographer told me that i am 12 weeks and 5 days from today! And that the Baby will be due December 20th!

The baby is perfectly fine and the babys measurements are great, and also the heartbeat is great!

Here's the photos!!!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Goodbye First Trimester!!!

 Im sooo relieved to be over my first trimester stage.

Its so exhausting to be constantly tired and feeling sick and also being put off food. Not nice.

The symptom I really can't wait to get rid of though is the entire body exhaustion! I can't wait to wake up in the morning with energy and I think my lovely other half is looking forward to having his girlfriend back in the evenings. At the moment we eat dinner together and then I go off to bed, we have a TV planner full of programmes I'm too tired to stay awake through and I can't remember the last time we had dinner out or went to the cinema.

Ive deffinetely been feeling some 'Butterfly' like movements and its soo amazing! I just cannot wait to finally be showing my true bump and start to feel the proper kicks :)
The Next video i'm planning on filming is the Mamas n Papas Pram we have, showing you the pram in detail and how to use it etc.
Speak to you all again soon,
Love Jessica ~ xxx

Monday, 4 June 2012

12 Weeks Pregnant ~ Baby Development

Hey everyone! So im 12 weeks today & i thought i would just give you an insight to what is happening to my Baby's development.

This is a Rough Guide:

From this week you may well be able to hear the baby's heart beat through a doppler monitor on your tummy. You will notice that the rate is up to 160 a minute, double that of a normal adult.
My baby now has a chin and a nose and a facial profile. Vocal chords are complete, The brain is fully formed. Fetus may even suck his thumb.

The eyelids now cover the eyes, and will remain shut until the seventh month to protect the delicate optical nerve fibers. The hair is on the head and the fingers and toes have developed soft nails. The kidneys are developed and begin to secrete urine.

  • The fetus starts moving spontaneously.
  • The face is beginning to look like a baby's face.
  • The pancreas is functioning and producing insulin.
  • Fingernails and toenails appear.
  • The baby can suck his thumb, and get hiccups.

  • How cool is that!

    It's amazing just how much the Baby can develop! Here's a picture to what the baby may look like at 12 weeks......